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Species Guide

Species Specifications


Height: 6-12 feet      Length: 9-15 feet      Weight: 2-4 tons


Physical appearance:

Scaly or leathery skin, with reptilian-like eyes and along muzzle. their nose is canine-like, but they also have a series of small pits on their upper lip that allows them to "see" in infrared, much like a viper. All Vires are capable of walking upright and bi-pedally, though when hunting or fighting, most favor movement on all fours. Vire's fore-paws are more like hands and have an opposable thumb. this coupled with their intelligence and language have contributed to them becoming the dominant species of their world. 
their hind feet have a central toe that possesses a massive sickle-like talon made for rending and tearing. they use these claws for hunting, defense, and fighting for mates. all Vires have long tails, either fanned with long fur-like hair or plumed with hair at the tip. And most specimens feature a mane or "collar" of fur that encircles their neck. Males and females alike can sport horns, though some more docile females never grow horns at all. 


Vire Homeworld:


Vires are the native Dominant species to an alternate realm called the LunaVerse. The LunaVerse is just like Earth, with continents and oceans, mountains and deserts. However, it circles a Blue Star, and has twin moons. This gives the LunaVerse world a more blue or purplish daylight, and as it is further from it's star than Earth, it's nights and years are longer lasting. However, being that their are two moons, there is always an every present light source even at night. Much like having a constant full moon. 

Vires are adapted to live in all manner of climates, as their home world experiences the same manner of extreme weather and seismic activities as Earth. Wherever a Vire is born in it's world, will dictate its traits to a degree. Vires that have skin and no manes are more prominent in dry, arrid, and very hot locales. Where as Vires with scales and thicker manes can be more comfortable in colder, higher elevations. 

Vire Hierarchy:

Vires have both a global and localized Hierarchy system. Globally, the entire species is ruled by the most pure and ancient of the bloodlines, stemming from the first Vire Dam and Sire. The Global Rulers are known as the Domina Rexine (Dominant Queen) and the Dominant Rex (Dominant King)
There is no stigmas between gender, it is neither matriarchal or patriarchal as both male and females of the species are equal in strength and tenacity.

The Domina Rexine and Dominant Rex will preside over a council of Alphas from localized Clans, a council known as 

The Blood Sworn

These Blood Sworn are the next purest of blood and often are related in some manner to the Domina Rexine and Dominant Rex. 

On a local scale, Vires live in communities called Clans.

Clans are Comprised in the following Social Structure:
Blood Rexine and Blood Rex
Shaman Healer
Nest Maids

Life Span:

200+ years.
No one truly knows the full extent of a Vire's Lifespan. They are not immortal, but some have been known to surpass 200 years. 


Vire's have very tough body armor that is difficult for traditional human weapons to pierce. Titanium Alloys are the best metals for use against Vires, along with magic, and their own teeth and claws. 


A Vire's immune system is very strong against their Homeworld's diseases. However they can come in contact with foreign Diseases in other worlds that can be lethal. 

Time Scale:

20 Vire Years lasts the same as an IRL year.
Vire Breeding Occurs during the months of March, June, and October IRL.
Eggs will hatch by the following month IRL.


Vire Diet:

Vires are strictly carnivorous, but they are opportunistic. They will actively hunt, but can also scavenge or steal kills from others. they are crafty enough to adapt to their individual environments to make the most out of local food sources.



Hybrids of the Vire Species are exceptionally rare. You may NOT create any manner of Vire Hybrid without my express written consent. The only Vire Hybrids in existence would be my OC Wicked Infernous, and her pre-existing Offspring (3 in total). This is ONLY due to the fact it was already written into her lore prior to my decision to make this an actual adoptable species. Please respect my wishes in this. 

Vire Life Cycle:


  • All Vires are Hatched from Eggs.

  • A Female's Clutch can be anywhere from 3-6 eggs and is determined via dice roll by group officials during breeding season.


  • Vires become sexually reproductive at age 20


  • Females will only lay a clutch of eggs every 20 years, and will not lay another clutch until her prior brood are old enough to fend for themselves. 

  • Vire hatchlings (called Virelings) become self sufficient by the age of 15 years and are considered young adults at age 20.

  • At age 50, Vires are considered full fledged adults.

  • Males and Females reach their prime at about 100 years of age. 

  • They will stop reproducing around age 160, if they live that long.

Vire Breeding:

  • Vires can only successfully breed through the official group.

  • Vires may mate for pleasure at any time of the year, however Females only become fertile during the Breeding Season, which takes place during the Binary Moons. This is when both moons share the same sky for a one month period. 

  •  Vire males and females alike have individual tastes. Some males may choose to keep a harem of females, and drive off  or fight viciously against any rival males that try to take a female for himself. However females are just as willful, and may take more than one suitor during a breeding season. Sometimes clutches can have more than one father.


Soul Bonds:

Vires who find their 'Soul Bond' will imprint with that individual, and become their mate for life. after this moment, they will remain loyal and no longer breed with other partners. 

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