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Species Guide

Physical Traits

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Body Colors and Markings


Elemental Magics



Fireweilder: Common

-Young Can heat their skin to a scalding touch
-Young adults can spark a flame onto surrounding vegetation but cannot control the flame
-Adults can spark can control medium fires.
-mastered Adults Can spit fire and cover their body in flames

Waterweilder: Common

-Young can sense water nearby and can create small ripples on water.
-Young Adults can draw water from the soil around them and change water currents.
-Adults can call rain to them, weild water and change it to mist, snow, hail or ice. can also create small floods in the immediate area.
-Mastered adults can create whirlpools and waterspouts.


Windweilder: Common

-Young can create small gusts of fast moving air
-Young Adults can create small dirt devils but cannot control their movement.
-Adults can create instense high-speed winds and control large dirtdevils.
-Mastered Adults can control tornadoes, create Microbursts and hurricane force winds. they can also suck the air from the area around them.



Magma Caster: Rare

-young can heat the earth beneath them.
-young adults and melt stone and earth to magma
-Adults can create thermal vents and huge fissures in the ground that will fill with magma, their bodies can generate extreme hot temperatures that can melt things around them.
-Mastered adults can summon huge volcanic vents from the ground that can erupt like an actual volcano, they can spit lava at their enemies. Their bodies can heat up to thousands of degrees and their skin will harden to a magma-rock like armor.  

Lightning Caster: Rare

-Young can create small, fleetin static in the immediate area around them.
-young adults can create a thick static sharge and shock other creatures to the touch.
-Adults can manipulate lightning in existing storms and generate small bolts from their bodies.
-Mastered adults can create intense electrical storms, bursts of lightning from their bodies, and spit ball lightning.




Exclusive Halloween 2018 Necromancer: Legendary
-young can sense the presence of spirits, and if they are near a dead body or grave.
-Young adults can hear and see spirits of the dead, but they have no control over who or when. they cannot communicate with them however.
-Adults can communicate with the dead and demons, as well as animate the bones of small creatures for very short periods of time.
-Mastered Adults Conjure Spirits and demons at will, as well as animate the bones of creatures even much larger than themselves for prolonged periods of time.

Exclusive Halloween 2018 Animagus: Legendary
-This Power only manifests as a young adult, and allows the Vire to change into another animal of similar size for very short periods of time. 
-Mastered Adults Have the Capacity to change up to 3 different forms. All must be of similar size, and cannot stay in that form for more than three days, or they will be stuck in said form.

Exclusive Halloween 2018 Glamour Magic: Legendary
-Young can cast small glamour over themselves like camouflage, but usually a very simple inanimate object such as rocks or bushes. Cannot hold the glamour for longer than a few minutes.
-Young Adults can cast a glamour that disguises them as another animal or object. Cannot hold this glamour for more than an hour.
-Adults can cast glamour that can make them look like the opposite sex, or another vire and they can hold their disguise for several hours.
-Mastered Adults can cast glamour over certain parts of their body, or the entire body, then can also duplicate another image of themselves in another location to fool enemies.



Plant Summoner: Uncommon

-Young inherently know what plants are poisonous, and can 'speak' to plants.
-young adults can 'see' what plants have seen by touching them, and can make plants grow from any soil.
-Adults can manipulate plants around them to grow or move however they please.
-Mastered adults can make plants grow over their skin like armor, or use plants to poison others and summon tree ents.

Stone Summoner: Uncommon
-young can move small stones and pebbles, and sense metals or crystals in the earth.
-Young adults can create small tremors in the immediate area and move small boulders.
-Adults can create rockslides, cover their bodies in stone armor and make moderate tremors.
-Mastered Adults can make earthequakes of large magnitude, and summon stone golems.

Storm Summoner: Uncommon

-young's emotions can effect the weather in their immediate area. if they are sad, it will rain, if they are afraid, fog will hide them, and if they are angry thunder will rumble. they have no control of this.
-young adults can call small rain showers or snow flurries. they can increase and decrease temperature by a few degrees.
-Adults can summon small storms in the immediate area, and change temperatures from extreme hot to extreme cold.
-Masters can summon intense thunderstorms, monsoons, tornadoes and blizzards.



Shadow Caster: Rare


-young can draw shadows in the immediate area to them.

-Young adults can make their own shadows move and dance, and create depressing or scared feelings in other vires.

-Adults can bend shadows, form them into the shapes of other creatures and shadow phase from one area to another.

-Mastered adults can summon shadow beasts that become tangible form, snuff all light from the immediate area, and change their body color like a chameleon to camouflage into any background.


Light Caster: Rare


-Young seem to shimmer or glow in the dark.

-Young adults can create brilliant pulses of light for defense or to soothe and comfort

.-Adults can create bioluminescent designs that change color with their mood, and can be used to attract others, as warnings, or to camouflage.

-Mastered Adults can use bioluminescence to hypnotize or stun prey/vires, their scales become iridescent and reflect rainbows. they can also light-phase from one area to another.



Exclusive 2019 Easter Telekinesis: Legendary
-Young have the ability to make very small objects 'tremble' or slide across the ground.
-Young Adults can hurl  small rocks and other objects with short bursts of energy.
-Adults can move large boulders and objects no larger than themselves with short bursts of energy. Small objects can be lifted from the ground and hover for longer periods of time.
-Mastered adults can hover off the ground about 3 feet, and keep themselves suspended in air and 'float' from place to place for prolonged periods of time.

Exclusive 2019 Easter Empath: Legendary
-young can sense the emotional state and well-being of Vires they share a close bond with.
-Young adults can sense the emotional state and well-being of Any Vire.
-Adults can "see" Auras of the Vires around them, allowing them to determine if the Vire is healthy, sick, injured, honest or lying.
-Mastered Adults can "sway" the emotional state of Vires around them, either by sapping their aura to make them depressed/ill for a short time, or by boosting another Vire's with their own, making THAT vire's powers Stronger, or making them happy, excited, joyous, or any other range of emotions.

Exclusive 2019 Easter DreamCatcher: Legendary
-Young have "lucid" dreams, where they are aware of their own dreamscape and can manipulate it.
-Young Adults can see the dreams of others around them, but cannot manipulate or or enter their dreams.
-Adults can project themselves in the dreams of others for short periods, create small subtle changes in the dreams, or banish nightmares. They can astral project themselves conciously short distances.
-Mastered adults can manipulate the dreams of Vires around them, conjure nightmares and can astral project anywhere within the Vire World. Can conjure elements from the dreams of other Vires into an illusion in the real world for a short period of time (i.e.- their worst fears, deepest desires, etc)

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