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November Announcements

Happy November Everyone! I hope the end of your October went out with a scary good time!

Our Activity Check has Closed, and the Clan Populations and Ranks have Been Updated!

We have a Shiny Clans and Cultures Page located here on the site, and if you take a look, you might notice there are a couple New Additions!! *Gasp* But More on that in just a moment!

The Handy New Current Populations & Ranks Spreadsheet defines each rank's purpose and clan affiliation, Then lists each clan's current population status tab by tab! Be Sure to Check It Out to See what's Currently Open!



Does Your Vire Have What it Takes To Be A Prosperous Leader??

The Following Clans Are In Need of a Capable Rex Or Rexine!

-Silver Summits

-Emerald Oasis

-Crimson Craters

To Be a Clan Leader there is an Activity Requirement of 1 Art/Literature Piece Every

2 months

Three New Clan Leaders Will Be Chosen

This Event Is Open To New and Existing Members.

To Participate:

A Rex Or Rexine Must Perform A

Walk -A-bout

This is a Quest that any Vire wishing to become a Clan Leader MUST take.

Usually this Requires a Completion Of THREE Prompts. But For This Special Event, It Will Only Require Two, and the new elected Leader will have an additional three months to Complete the 3rd Prompt!

So What is a Walk-a-Bout?

These exceptional Vires will transport through the Gate-key Stones, and remain gone for

20 years.

During this epic journey, your Vire must encounter the dominant race of whatever world they end up in, they must be accepted by the race, and learn their ways and customs during the 20 years of their stay in their world. This Task Is Exceptionally Dangerous, as many alien cultures will meet them with hostility and distrust.

To Succeed In Your Walk-A-bout:

You Must Complete a Total of At Least Two Prompts. It Can be two art pieces, two literature pieces, or a combo of Art & Writing, of two separate prompts.

If Via Artwork:

Choose from the following Prompts:

- Your Vire Encountering a Different race/Culture

- Your Vire In imminent Peril/severely injured in some manner of cultural clash

-Your Vire adapting to this new culture, either wearing their garb, learning their language, or participating in their cultural activities.

(These can be eating local foods, dances, hunting, etc.)

Must Be Fully Colored and show at least 50% of your Vire AND 1 Native of the culture in each piece. These can be completely made up creatures or known existing creatures.

If Written:

Choose from the Following Prompts:

-Your Vire Encounters a being of another race, and must gain their trust and friendship.

-Your Vire Experiences a miscommunication, an accident, or a near death experience with this other race/culture, and must figure out how to convince them to let them live among them. Or to fight their way to freedom.

-Your Vire learning something from this other culture, and returning through the Gatekey Stones with an object of proof from the culture.

Each Written Piece Must be a minimum of 1500 words, and describe the Native people and environment.

Must mention your Vire at least 4 times in each piece.

Completing a Third Piece prior to submission Will Increase Your Chances at the Position!

Finally, Submit Your Leadership Prompts With This Google Form.


And Now Back to those

New Additions mentioned Earlier!

Vires Are Happy to Introduce Gypsies And Rogues Into Game Play!!

These are Special Positions That Must Be Applied For!

Only 12 Gypsies and 6 Rogue Positions are Available In Game at Any Given Time!

Applications for these Positions are Now Open!

To Apply as a Gypsy For A New or An Existing Character:

  • Link the Existing Vire's Profile, Or Link to a Possible Adoption Design if it's a new Character.

  • -Create a New Character Profile For the Vire, Outlining what makes them a Good Gypsy.

  • -What are their Talents, Quirks, and personality?

  • -Include a History Of how they became a Gypsy. Were they born a Gypsy? Did they marry into the Gypsy caravan? Did they run away from home? If they are an existing Character Be Sure this ties in to their prior history somehow!

  • The more Unique and In-Depth, the better!!

  • Submit Your Application to This Google Form.

To Apply For a Rogue With a New Or Existing Character:

  • Link the Existing Vire's Profile, Or Link to a Possible Adoption Design if it's a new Character.

  • -If it is a New Character, Mock Up the character's OC template to include their personality and history.

  • - Write a 1000+ word Short Story of how the Vire came to become a Rogue. Remember, most Rogues were banished from their clans or ran away as fugitives from the law, but that is not all that encompasses how a Vire came to become Clanless.

  • The more Unique and In-Depth, the better!!

  • Submit Your Application to This Google Form.



Running the Vires Universe is a Lot of Fun, and We are looking to Expand our Team!

The Following Admin Roles are Open, You may apply for as many or as few as you like!

-Group Ambassadors

-Activity Roller

-Rites Checker

-Bank Logger

-Adopt Den Designer

As an Admin, You can work around your schedule, and have inside peeks at upcoming events, Help Create Exclusive and legendary designs for events, as well as be able to provide input and ideas for upcoming events, world building and future plots/lore!

To Apply, Please Respond to this Google Form.

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